Term life insurance is perhaps the simplest form of life insurance. It was developed to provide temporary life insurance protection on a limited budget. Since term insurance can be purchased in large amounts for a relatively small initial premium, it is well suited for goals such as to pay off a mortgage, or providing extra life insurance protection during the child-raising years.
Fink Insurance is an independent agency and we will provide you with multiple term life insurance quotes from all of the top rated insurance companies we represent.
Please review the attached articles for detailed information on term life insurance. If you still have questions, please contact us for a free consultation. Also see life insurance and whole life Insurance.
The resource center is a continually evolving collection of articles and research information on health insurance, life insurance and annuities. Our goal is to assist you in making the right decision to meet your needs.
As the industry changes and legislative issues impact insurance we will be continually updating this site.
Please contact us with any feedback or comments.